Improve Your Approach to cATO With Caveonix

Our unified platform facilitates efficient cATO adoption, enabling continuous monitoring of hybrid multi-cloud estates.

Caveonix Cloud empowers you with:

1. Complete compliance with 42+ regulatory requirements, including FedRAMP, FISMA, NIST RMF, CNSSI-1253, DHS-800-53 Rev4, HIPAA, etc.

2. Expedition of all six steps of the NIST RMF improving efficiency, reducing costs and accelerating timeline to initial ATO completion by 50%, and speeding recertification time by as much as 90%.

Tenets of Continuous ATO

Federal agencies have recognized that their ability to innovate and outpace dynamic threats is linked to having more systems operating under ongoing authorization or cATO. The reasons for the shift are clear when examining the major differences listed in the table below.

Traditional ATO Continuous ATO
Conducts assessments for a point in time Promotes real-time visibility and response
Uses manual processes and produces outdated security and compliance data Promotes more frequent and automated assessments as well as continuous security and compliance
Requires re-work and repetitive tasks Leverages common controls for cost savings and efficiency
Does not incorporate DevSecOps practices Promotes DevSecOps and newer teaming models
Focuses the culture on maintaining paper compliance over maintaining security Focuses the culture on continuous monitoring, assessment, and prioritized remediation

Three Main Metrics to Reach CATO


On-going Visibility

On-going visibility of key cybersecurity activities with continuous monitoring of RMF controls.


Real Time Threat Detection

The ability to conduct active cyber defense to respond to cyber threats in real time


DevSecOps Reference Design

The adoption and use of an approved DevSecOps reference design. 

ATO Whitepaper

Download Our Whitepaper to Understand:

The ATO process and how to transition seamlessly to continuous Authority to Operate (cATO)
Enable continuous and connected hybrid multicloud monitoring assessment and reporting
Automate near real-time detection and remediation
Create an effective DevSecOps strategy by incorporating security and compliance at every step from development deployment

Accelerate ATO and Implement cATO with
Caveonix Cloud

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